How I stayed up past midnight two nights in a row

This week has been a bit out of the ordinary for me, as I have stayed up past midnight not once, but TWO times.  You’re probably thinking, “You’re 27 and live in Los Angeles and work in entertainment, shouldn’t every night be a late night?”  My answer for you is: no.  Absolutely not.  I may be 27 on the outside, but I’m an old, tired woman on the inside and I prefer to be cozy in my bed by 11pm every night.  Except maybe Friday nights, because Saturday is the only day I get to sleep in past 8am.  Regardless, I had 2 events this week that jolted my sleep habits out of their safe sleep habit place, and now it’s Friday and I think I’ll probably be asleep by 10pm tonight because I am KNACKERED (Translation: really really tired.  Disclaimer: I lived in NZ for a year during college and Australia for 6 months after graduation, and I use a lot of British/Kiwi/Aussie words like snog, keen, pash, and knackered).  Since both of my late night/early morning events were really fun and totally blog-worthy, I thought I’d whip up a quick post to fill you all in.

On Wednesday night I stayed up to go to a late show at The Bootleg Theatre, one of those cool hipster-bar-slash-concert-venues that are scattered throughout Los Angeles.  I have loved the band Yellow Ostrich since I first heard the song “WHALE” during my time in the DreamWorks music department, probably about a year and a half ago.  They have played in LA a couple times since then, but I never made it out to see them live until Wednesday night.  I was expecting a good show, but they delivered a GREAT show.  I was surprised by how powerful and creative they were on stage, and walked away with a new-found appreciation for their talent!  Between the 3 of them (see below – aren’t they so angsty and mysterious and adorable?), they played at least 10 instruments.

Check out their songs “WHALE,” “Bread” and “Marathon Runner” below, and be sure to listen to their albums on Spotify!  If you love them like I do, you can also purchase their music on iTunes and Amazon.  And definitely go see them if they’re ever in your neck of the woods!!



Marathon Runner

Last night I stayed up even later and attended a midnight screening of THE HUNGER GAMES.  Gary Ross introduced the film, which was fun and oh-so-LA, and the energy in the theater was palpable.  I was soooooo impressed by the film, everything from the direction to the acting (oh Josh Hutcherson, be still my heart!) to the cinematography to the music.  In my opinion, Gary Ross delivered an adaptation that was very much worthy of the book, and I will most definitely be seeing it again in theaters.  Did anyone else go to a midnight screening?  What were your thoughts on the film/the midnight viewing experience?

Blurry phone photo before the movie started… I’m the one in the green and white scarf.  Brian’s energy can only be explained by his consumption of 5 Hour Energy a few minutes prior.  Also he’s always like that.

Ok so I know I promised a short post, but obviously my excitement got the better of me (that happens a lot).  Here’s my closing argument (picture me as Alicia Florrick saying this in court): Yellow Ostrich and THE HUNGER GAMES are awesome.  Go see them both.  Boom.

– Hannah

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